"Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one's own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others." - John F. Kennedy
Learning is fun and easy with the tools that ARAADR offers!
Electronic books(E-books) is offered through ARAADR website. There are several different categories to choose from. If you are looking for information on a book and need a resource, this is a great way to do it. You can click the link you desire and then type in the name of a book you need. Or you may also type in a general subject and get many different ideas. This is a great easy way to access information on the internet.
ARAADR web site offers many different options to help you look for what you need. It is a very resourceful web site. Its such an easy way to get information with out taking so much time.
On ARAADR website you can access atranslation page that changes your web page to a different language. It takes different text from English and you are able to see it translated to whatever language you desire.
These are a few of the 2,537 connections to
A Roadmap to African American and Diversity Resources (ARAADR)
Over 2,930 quality links reviewed by scholars
INFOSCOPE: Monthly newsletter of D.L. Cohen Information Services, News and tips for locating and managing information Portland, Oregon http://www.dcoheninfo.com
Resource-of-the-Month: A Roadmap to African-American Resources
Ask a librarian where to find good quality web resources and she/he will say that places to look include collections of resources created by other librarians! One such resource is A Roadmap to African American Resources, created by Sherry DuPree of Santa Fe Community College. DuPree has been collecting African-American information since 1995 and the site reflects her commitment to creating a serious and comprehensive resource. January 2004
http://www.resourceshelf.com/Gary Price, MLIS
A massive directory of over 2000 resources. Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003
Florida's Ask A Librarian, Search Online Reference Expert Entries
Search for Keywords, type American history: Entry Type = Shared-Statewide.